Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Change is a beautiful thing

I've been really lazy lately about writing on this. When i know i shouldnt be. This blog site i use to write is the best thing i can use to grow as a person. Which we all have to do one way or another. For some of us it is very minimal while for others the changes we make are very significant. Change is necessary in life.. we all have a conscience no matter how cruel some of us can be. Most of the time with today's society we change for others. We change to prove a point to others. So they'll like us, so they will accept us, so they will love us and give us the gratification of being loved.

All of these reasons are wrong reasons.. not that im judging how people live their lives but in my mind we should change for ourselves. To be a better person, to inspire others.. not to be accepted by society. I mean who cares if u dont fit in with everyone. You cant please every single person in your life. Whether you like it or not you will disappoint someone at some point in your life. So theres no point in trying to please everybody. You really find out who your true friends are when you disappoint them and they forgive you. While most others would just leave you behind. One of my favorite lyrics written ever really applies to this idea. Never Take Friendship Personal- Anberlin. I find this so true in today's society.

Everyone takes things to personal. The common thought is that everyone hates them/is against them. When most of the world knows little and cares little of your existance. The fact of the matter is that we dont know how good we have it in life. We take to many things for granted. The most minuscual problems we have become huge issues in our lives. We all have something to complain about. but how does that help at all? Complaining about your tiny, and insignificant problems gets you nowhere in life. I really dont get people sometimes.. how is complaining about something gonna help? its not going to change anything about it. I mean its not like if i complain about it all of my problems will be solved.

They wont be. Change yourself for 'you'. Not for anyone else. Not so you are accepted by society or so that one girl will like you back. Change yourself to become a better person. Everything else will work its way out on its own eventually.
Give it time
Trust in God or whatever you believe in.
Dont settle for what you think is good enough.. work hard and good things will come your way.
I guess this concept is called karma.
Do good things and good things will follow you..
Well i believe its true.

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