Saturday, March 28, 2009

Love is Always Worth it.

Why do we love?
What is it about this feeling that we throw away everything we know and thrust ourselves forward not knowing where we'll end up.
We take such huge risks with this thing love.
Some would question "is worth it?"
Is risking our own feelings and emotions worth all the hurt and pain?
Honestly ask yourself "is worth it"?

So whats your answer then is love worth the Hurt and all the Pain?
Is it worth the Denial and the Betrayal?
The Anger and Confusion..
The Depression and all the Tears..

Can anything be worth all of that?
Why would anyone gamble with those odds?
On one side you have the chance to feel like the greatest thing in the world..
but on the other hand theres always the chance of denial.

Think of our Love life as a Slot machine.
and perhaps our emotions as money.

We invest money into the slot machine hoping something good will turn out for us.
A lot of times we dont win. We lose to this heartless machine over and over again.
Until some of us hit the Jackpot and win.
We win love.
The greatest feeling in the world.
To Love and to be loved.
Because isnt that what we all want out of life.
I mean money and materials are ok.
but when all is said and done..
whos gonna watch you die?
your money or the ones you loved.

Lately Ive been a pretty heavy gambler.
Putting all of my money on the line.
And guess what!?
I lost.

Its probably the worse feeling in the world to lose at this game.
This game isnt some sport game.. its serious business with drastic turnouts.
Turnouts with this feeling i have now. its like a cramp right in the pit of your stomach.
It aches and aches.
It never stops aching.
It bleeds into all of the other areas of your life until you cant even seem to focus for more than five minutes at a time.

All of this over a simple word called Love.
The purpose of this note is not to depress people and make them hate love.
And never want to Love in their life.
But its purpose is to give my insight on this "Simple" word Love.
To say how worth it is to take that gamble and put a few coins or so in the machine.
In my opinion people should take huge risks for Love.
Whether the turnout is amazing or disastrous Love is always worth it.
I kinda like that last phrase.."Love is Always Worth it."
To me it says somethin kind of like this...
No matter the risk "Love is Always Worth it."
No matter the turnout "Love is Always Worth it."
No matter if you get a Jackpot or Nothing "Love is Always Worth it."

Yeah That sounds good to me..
now just remember..

"Love is Always Worth it."

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