Friday, March 13, 2009

Buses and Kids.

Another day of school has passed on and i slowly walk towards the shuttle bus.. I stick the buds of my headphones and get lost in the world of a couple men creating beautiful music together. Starts out with a drummer laying down a beat and then the bass joins and puts it in time. Then Guitarist interrupts it all with a glorious melody that bring it all together. And finally to top it off the Singer comes in and soars over the entire band. The tension increases more and more as the band crescendos slowly but surely. I climb up the stairs of the bus and take an open seat in the back by myself and stare out the window as bus takes off.

The Band plays on and im only the one that hears their beautiful music.. Its as if the Singer sings just for me and the other Band member are playing for me and only me.
Well dont i feel special.
The Gradual Crescendo increases more and more as the bus pulls me around town and toward its final destination. Theres honestly something fascinating about listening to music and staring out a window of a bus.. Especially when the sun shines down on you and reflects off the snow on the ground and creates this eerie feeling of calmness and awe..The kind of moment where you wouldnt mind just sitting and staring.. not doing anything just observing the beauty of your sorroundings.

The bus finally reaches its destination and stalls until the other buses come and release their kids to go to their respective buses to go home. I sit and wait for the bus driver to open the doors and set me free. All of the kids i call my friends sit in front me and talk to one another, everyone having their own side conversation. Yet i still alone in the back, by myself. Why is this I wonder to myself.. am i so different.. do i not belong.. why.. Ive always thought i was somehow different since i was a young as if god had designed me to not fit in right.. to be an outsider.. a nonconformist..

A Nonconformist. Thats honesty what i strive for in life sometimes. To not be the adverage person. To not conform to your 'adverage person'. Because honestly where do u meet a man who plays guitar but doesnt play any of that rock stuff anymore, but plays the blues and jazz. Or a man who plays hockey and is not arrogant in any way at all, but is as humble as a man could possibly be.. does that seem adverage to you, cuz it doesnt really to me.

All these thoughts cross my mind in about the minute or two that the buses take to all file in and then the doors fly open and thousand of children run out and towards their new buses to secure a good seat or to chat with another person before they board their bus. We slowly file out of the bus one by one in a single line.. My music keeps playing and reaches a sort of climax point, Where Singer repeats a single brilliant phrase over and over that blends oh so beautifully with the rest of the band, who at the moment are playing with all passion and soul and power that is possible. The Singer is even backed up by the band each member taking a pitch and forming a beautiful chord for the backgrounds and to support the Lead Singer as he Soars above everything and the band hits one last chord as i step out of the bus and into the world where the sun shines so bright and the sky is limitless and filled with few clouds and there seems to be a soft breeze, not enough to make you cold but just enough to blow your hair back.
And the world is beautiful.
It is a creation of god.
How amazing is he to create all of this.
And ive only thought in my mind.

What a wonderful world.

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