Tuesday, December 23, 2008


The purpose of this blog which i am beginning to write now has nothing to do with that i may or may not want people to read this and like it. My purpose is for something else. It is for me to express my ideas and thoughts down on 'paper'. It is for me to express to you people the feelings and thoughts that cross my mind as i write. I hope in this to inspire so that you may write something better than mine. Because I know that my writing is terrible. Though i am told otherwise i do not take what is given to me and build up arrogance about it. I mainly use it as support that i should keep writing and maybe improve myself as a writer and as a person. Because in the end none of this writing that i am doing matters at all. There are different things in life that are so much more important that this. Family, friends, religion, and love to just name a few. These are the real things in life. Without these things what is a person. He is left without his loved ones, his hope in religion, and his love is also gone. What is left of him. A cold shattered body. Living on merely because he knows nothing else.

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