Saturday, July 3, 2010


Maybe I'm not forsaken completely.
Maybe theres hope for the lonely orphan boy.
Maybe he can make it through this.

She Saved Me.
She came through the darkness that was me and reassured me that everything would turn out alright.
How brilliant is that?
I was so sure that she would be gone too and yet there she is.
Taking the boy's hand and leading him on.
Like a mother to a son.

She leads him away from the darkness.
Hes still trembling from the fear and the pain,
but shes there and she cares.
She Cares.

The little orphan boy doesn't know what to think anymore.
Maybe he can be saved.
Maybe there is hope for life.
Maybe She'll stick through this and save the poor boy's life.
And then maybe she'll always be there,
And the boy will be happy
And maybe he'll become a man worthy of her.
Then his life will be good. Filled with joy and laughter.
With her by his side, there wont be a damn thing that could stop the two of them.
Maybe just Maybe.

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