Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Orphan

I'm trapped.
Bleeding, and dieing alone.
The world talks of me and yet i know not of the world.

I'm lost.
Crying, and decomposing alone.
The people sharpen their tongues, their arrows ready to strike.

I'm gone.
Brokenhearted, and suffering alone.
The orphan dries his tears, and hides himself from everything.

I'm dead.
Forsaken, and rotting alone.
The funeral is empty, and no one will care.

I'm safe.
Happy, and carefree.
The universe cannot harm me and I am free.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

You're so Blind.

She sits on her perch.
High above the rest of us, she watches me like a hawk.
Preying on my "bad" deeds.
She rests up there for long periods of time, never bothers me one bit, till a moment in time where she flies down and tears away at me.
At my life.

She fills my heart with grief.
Her voice leaves such a bitter taste in my mouth, she is foul to say the least.
Her tongue flaps at me yet again, and again she flies back to her perch to rest.

The days linger on. As if nothing is amiss or that nothing has happened. Yet, still I lay on the ground, bleeding internally, dieing. I am broken. She sees nothing, no perspective from anything else but herself. Oh how can you not see? Are you that blind? Do you not see me? Do you not see my broken body, lying in shambles there? Are you that blind?

I want to yell, I want to scream. Do the wrong that you've done to me back to you, but i don't. I sit, endure the pain, hide the invisible scars that you leave. Oh, you are so blind, and oh so foolish.

Life will go on, and the cycle will continue. This wretched, horrid cycle of pain, and misery. No one will notice, life will go on. And everything will appear to be fine. As if nothing has happened at all. They're all so blind.