Sunday, July 12, 2009

I belong.. sort of.

Theres times lately in my life where I question my own existence.
Like what am i here for, where do i belong.
why on earth did God put me in this place.
Part of me has concluded that i wasnt put here to be a very socialable person.
that part of me feels that i dont "belong" with like society almost.
that part of me feels that i belong on a stage with nothing more than a guitar, and a mic.
Standing there confessing all of my feelings, insecurities, desires, and wants.
Revealing to everyone in front of me the deepest corners of my mind and soul.
Sharing with them my stories of who i am, who i was, who im going to be, and who ive become.
Maybe Someday this will come true and all of this will happen.
and ill be up there and every single person will know the words to the song.
they'll all sing along.
And ill watch in amazement as all of this takes place.
People singing along to words i wrote.. words that have deep meaning to me.
Such a beautiful dream.
I do hope that God wills this to come true.

Everyone feels the need to belong in this world.
Whether its with one person, with a group of friends, or even with some sort of club.
We all feel the need to exist with something else.
But why is it so necessary that we must live our lives with others?
can we not be mere loners and live independently?
I believe that we cannot.
I believe that we are meant to live our lives through others and in all things worship God.
It is good to be somewhat independent. But not entirely.
We need others.
We need help.
We need them to help us.
Through problems.
Through pain.
Through life.

Where would we be without others?
I mean honestly. How long can people last on their own.
If everyone lived life independently than the human race wouldn't exist today.
We would all live our lives alone.. and eventually die with nothing.
No family.
No loved ones.
No kids.
And everyone around us would follow suit..
and eventually we would all be gone.
Every single person.

So think about what you're doing when you try to do everything yourself.
And maybe realize that you cant do it alone.
'Sometimes I cant make it alone'
so true.
Sometimes we can't make it alone.
We NEED others.
So much.
For everything that they do for us.
Keep them close.
Dont let them leave.
Let everyone co-depend on each other.
and live your life with Love.
Love for one another.
Love for self.
Love for God.