Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Stop and Stare

This may or may not have anything to do with the song that i stole the words from. But mainly it has nothing to do with it at all.. just thought itd sound good. That and I just found those words compelling. Its as simple as that. Stop and Stare. Slow it all down.. take time with things.. admire the beautiful the gracious Lord has put in our wondrous world. Lately I've been doing more walking rather than driving around.. It has made a tremendous difference in my life.. Just simply taking the time to walk to wherever i may be going. I know it takes more time, but think of all the good you are doing. For one you're the gas that would be required to move the car which in turn helps the environment. Two it may just be me but i get a feeling of calm as i walk.. The feeling that everything seems right in the world as you slowly walk towards your destination and take in the beauty and sounds of everything that was put on this Earth by our gracious God.

Forgive me for straying from the topic but i feel the necessity for some form of disclaimer here.. because im not a man to throw religion on anybody.. I dont believe that its my place to force my beliefs on anyone else. Sure im supposed to spread the word, but i try to live my life as an example of my beliefs in hopes that others will see it and perhaps ask about it.. and if not then i'll let them hold to their own beliefs and values. So if i talk of my religion dont feel if im saying that im right and ur wrong.. its not my intention at all just that my religion plays a major role in everything i do.. So just for a discalmer dont feel that im some sort of one-viewed im right ur wrong kind of person.. but merely a man with his own beliefs who isnt judgemental of others.

Anyways back to the main topic.."Stop and Stare". is the title of this.. and it simply means to stop and stare. Stop rushing ur life so much.. Stop all the chaos of ur everyday life..Stop all the constant worrying..Stop all of these things and just stare. Stare at the beautiful things in this world.. Take it all in while you can.. Appreciate the ones you love..Tell them how u feel..Dont leave these kind of things to chance..Because tomorrow is never certain.. So love like u never loved before.

Cuz thats the answer to everything isnt it?
So simple yet so amazingly complex.
A million different people think they know what it is
and yet its different for everyone.
how do u put a definition to that?
I honestly think Love shouldnt be in the dictionary
because no definition anyone could come up with
can ever truly grasp what Love is.

Love is Amazing.

A billion words could describe it
yet would not capture its true essence.

I personally have my own ideas as to what it is..
they may be correct for me
but not for you..

Only one thing is certain..

Love Wins.